Day 100 Encouragement

    There are so many things happening in our world right now. Despite the fact that our world has crumbled, our circumstances are completely under the control of a God who upholds the world in His powerful arms. Through these circumstances, God has a purpose. Through the chaos, He sees transformation.

    Whenever we put our focus on the unseen God, we will be able to see Him. To understand who God is and to shed light on His purpose in our circumstances, we need to look to the Word where His provision resides, and to the Holy Spirit where His presence dwells.

    I have set the Lord always before me:
    because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
    Psalm 16:8

    If we find it difficult to keep the faith when the world around us is failing, we should look to God's past faithfulness to provide for us in our own lives. By reading the accounts of God's faithfulness to His people in the Bible, we can see His faithfulness to them as well. Through reflections like these, we can keep the faith despite the turmoil in the world.

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  • Day 100 Encouragement

    • There are so many things happening in our world right now. Despite the fact that our world has crumbled, our circumstances are completely under the control of a God who upholds the world in His powerful arms. Through these circumstances, God has a purpose. Through the chaos, He sees transformation.

      Whenever we put our focus on the unseen God, we will be able to see Him. To understand who God is and to shed light on His purpose in our circumstances, we need to look to the Word where His provision resides, and to the Holy Spirit where His presence dwells.

      I have set the Lord always before me:
      because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
      Psalm 16:8

      If we find it difficult to keep the faith when the world around us is failing, we should look to God's past faithfulness to provide for us in our own lives. By reading the accounts of God's faithfulness to His people in the Bible, we can see His faithfulness to them as well. Through reflections like these, we can keep the faith despite the turmoil in the world.

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